
AI Art and Design

What Will You Learn?

Gain a deep understanding of the applications and future trends of artificial intelligence in painting, design, and beyond.

Master the software operations of Midjourney, effortlessly using AI painting tools to create high-quality works efficiently.

Learn from real-world business case studies, with no-holds-barred teaching of side hustle opportunities, providing a comprehensive guide to earning money on the side.

Explore a variety of industries, including graphic design, interior design, photography, animation, e-commerce, and more, to enhance your self-worth in all directions.

Course Features

No Barriers to Entry: Whether you’re a beginner or a professional designer, no drawing foundation is needed. The course is taught in simple language with easy-to-understand tutorials, ensuring a stress-free learning experience.

Practice-Oriented: Our course focuses on practical operations, gradually explaining the process through the demonstration of business cases, with a wealth of practical demonstrations and exercises, allowing you to easily master AI painting.

Side Hustle Earnings: Share a plethora of side hustle methods, teaching skills without reservation, making it easy to seize side hustle opportunities after learning this course.

Course Outline

Introduction: The Design Revolution

The Disruptive Impact and Development Trends of AIGC on the Design Industry

Chapter 1: Basic Foundations – Getting Started with Midjourney

1. What is AI painting, and how can it assist us?

2. Midjourney registration and interface introduction

3. Basic operations of Midjourney

4. Understanding prompt words, quickly learning prompt frameworks

5. Introduction to 10 common post-processing commands (Part 1)

6. Introduction to 10 common post-processing commands (Part 2)

Chapter 2: Advanced Mastery – Midjourney Practical Operations

1. Prompt words: Quickly mastering thousands of styles

2. Prompt words: Precise control of scenes

3. Prompt words: Composition and perspective

4. Image to image: Generating 100 series images from a single reference image

5. Image fusion: How to merge two images into one

6. Partial redraw: How to modify specific area elements

7. 5 methods to control character consistency (Part 1)

8. 5 methods to control character consistency (Part 2)

Chapter 3: Side Hustle Practice – Midjourney Business Case Operations

1. Cartoon emoticon design

2. Generating baby photos from fetal ultrasound images

3. Creating M-cartoon avatars

4. Business poster case operations

5. UI icon design

6. Designing exclusive trendy IPs, corporate mascots

7. Generating portrait photos, ID photos, movie stills from specified faces

8. E-commerce product image business case operations

9. E-commerce outfit change business case operations

10. Advanced application of logo design in practice

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