
Are you facing these challenges?

1. Why do other book account holders enjoy high traffic and conversion rates? How do they decide which category and format to focus on in the book niche?

2. How can you use Douyin’s built-in tools to analyze and adjust your content to find viral videos that serve as benchmarks?

3. How can you determine which category and format in the book niche are suitable for you based on your own circumstances and the industry trends?

Course Content:

Real-time Bestselling Books.xlsx

Han Librarian’s Latest Positioning Live Class – Session 3 (November).mp4

Han Librarian’s Latest Positioning Live Class – Session 1 (November).mp4

Benchmark Book Niche Accounts 3.0.xlsx

Equipment List.xlsx

Han Librarian’s Latest Positioning Live Class – Session 2 (November).mp4

Unlock the secrets to boosting your book account’s performance with our comprehensive course materials. Learn how to identify the most profitable book categories and formats, and how to leverage Douyin’s analytics tools to optimize your content strategy. Discover the latest insights from Han Librarian’s live classes, and gain access to essential resources like the Real-time Bestselling Books spreadsheet and Benchmark Book Niche Accounts 3.0. Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools to excel in the competitive book niche market.

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